Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Prom 2009

As the school year came to an end, of course, all the high schoolers began to look forward to and prepare for PROM!!! Scott and I decided to go ourselves this year and we ended up attended with a few of the Young Life leaders as well.

These are some pics I got of the kids prior to prom. We headed over to the River Club to see some of the Young Life kids get their photos done. Harbin and Catherine love hanging out with Michael and Lauren (both Cross Country runners and Younglifers) and were so cute getting their picture with them. Unfortunately we didn't get any photos of Scott and me all dressed up. We had one formal one taken, but we haven't gotten it yet- I might post it if it eve comes!

The mom.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Scenic City Duathlon/Triathlon

A few weekends ago, we traveled up to Chester Frost Park in Tennessee, for Scott and Harbin to compete in their races. Harbin did his first Duathlon and Scott competed in the Scenic City Sprint Triathlon.

Harbin was super excited about doing his race. He even got new tennis shoes for it, since his unprepared mommy forgot to pack his other ones. The duathlon consisted of a half lap around the building run, a full lap bike and then a half lap run back to the finish. The didn't keep times or declare a winner, but he got a medal for his great finish!!

The rest of the weekend was spent camping and enjoying the beautiful weather. We even made it to the swim area to spend a little time in the sun and sand. Lydia had never been to the "beach" before and was very fascinated with the sand. She didn't try to eat it, which I was shocked about, although she did get some sand in her mouth from trying to eat the shovel. She loved to crawl in the sand since it was so soft on her little knees.

Harbin and Catherine had fun digging in the sand and playing in the water. They even got to ride in the inflatable boat to get over to the swim area.

Scott's race was Sunday morning, early as usual. Our friends Derek and Jamie joined us this weekend, and Derek, Scott and Alex (Scott's littlest brother) all competed Sunday morning. The guys did awesome and we were impressed with their times considering all of the hills on the course. Scott finished faster than last year and got 4th in his age division.

Enjoy all of the pictures!
The mom.

Gladiators Hockey Game

A few weeks ago we had a great time going to the Gwinnett Gladiators hockey game with Grandma and JonJon. Unlike the last few times we've been we were up close and personal with the hockey players. We sat so close, you could see every tooth (or lack there of) in the player's mouths!!

The kids seemed to like the game, but were a little uneasy about the mascot Max. Catherine never really warmed up to him, but Harbin did, especially after Max gave him a hockey puck!!

The Gladiators didn't win that night, but we had a great time watching them try!!

The mom.

Catchin' up- Easter

So, the kids are napping and the house is quiet for a moment and I thought I would try to catch up on some of my blogging. In my MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group we always talk about “Seasons of Life”- this is definitely my CHAOTIC season of life. It seems like since Lydia came along, life has been crazy busy. I don’t think it’s necessarily her, but more Scott’s new job, Harbin’s age and involvement in new things, and my new career in real estate.

Anyways, because I one day have hopes of taking these blogs and pics and making memory books out of them, I will try to catch up on the highlights of the last few weeks. Instead of doing one big post, I will do a post for each event, so later when I actually do get around to making those books (you know, when my kids are grown) it will be easier for me to separate them.

I guess I should start back with Easter. We had a wonderful Easter this year, although I don’t have too many pictures to prove it. Unfortunately my camera battery was dead when we headed to Chattanooga and I didn’t realize it until we were long gone and miles away from my charger. I will work on getting some pics from other family members and posting them later.

The kids enjoyed a few parties with friends including a huge Easter celebration with some of my Sunday School friends and their children and an Egg Hunt with their closest friends, Sam and Sarah.

Easter weekend wrapped up Spring Break for Scott, so we headed on Thursday up to Chattanooga to spend the weekend. The kids all enjoyed the Egg Hunt at Lolli and Pop’s church and had fun playing with family that evening in celebration of Uncle Bo’s 21st Birthday.

Sunday we went to church (ok, so Lydia and I went to church, but stood in the hall the whole time because she thought she was supposed to give the sermon and wanted to talk the whole time), and then headed up the mountain to visit with some family. We hunted eggs, yet again and had a wonderful time eating and enjoying the beautiful weather.

Harbin’s favorite part of Easter was definitely the resurrection rolls. We made these at the first Easter party we went to and he helped everyone make them at the Tinney’s on Saturday night. The concept is that the marshmallow is the body of Christ, you roll it in oils (melted butter), dip it in spices (cinnamon and sugar) and then wrap his body in the cloths, or tomb (crescent roll). You put it in the oven for about 10 minutes and when you get it out, Jesus’ is GONE!! The tomb is EMPTY!! Harbin thought this was so cool and loved surprising everyone with the end. I thought it was a great way to describe Jesus’ resurrection to the kids and we will definitely make it a yearly tradition.

Catherine enjoyed getting to eat all of the candy in the eggs. She could have cared less about hunting and wanted more to just open them up and see what was inside. Lydia liked to hunt eggs and was too cute picking the eggs up and putting them in the basket. She loved to find eggs that would shake and make noise.
Well, I guess that’s about it for Easter. Stay tuned for many more “catch up” posts and pictures.

The mom.