Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Harbin turns 7!

AHHH, my little boy turned 7 this year. Each year it seems like "x" year is SO old. Well, I feel like 7 seems like that too. How did he get to be 7 so quickly! He has shot up lately and I realized just a few months ago that he is no longer a little boy- he almost comes up to my chest and I fear it won't be long before he towers over me! At his 7 year check up he was 45 pounds and about 44 inches tall.

In addition to his height, Harbin is maturing a lot these days. He has begun to have sleepovers, takes on more responsibility in the house and has become an amazing big brother. This year it seems like he is starting to process things more as a young adult (even though I know he's still just my little boy). He is learning things like if you just clean it quick, the first time mom asks, you can just get it over and done. Of course, we still have the normal kid moments when he pesters his sisters or whines that things are going to take "forever" but for the most part his attitude is definitely developing well. And, with Daddy having been gone most of the last year, he has really stepped it up and been the "head of the household". He definitely has a protective and caring heart for his sisters.

This past year Harbin did his first two seasons of soccer and he got to be pretty good. He was quick on his feet and processed decisions quickly on the field. He scored a few goals and really enjoyed getting to play in his first tournament last June. Harbin continued participating in the children's choir at church and has really enjoyed AWANA Sparks. Memorizing verses comes quickly to him and his desire to learn more about Jesus has blossomed. He seems to pick up every little thing they say at church and as I do our devotions at home, you can tell he really remembers and understands the stories.

School has been progressing well for him. Technically he is in first grade, but he's doing second grade math and as usual he reads on a much higher level. He loves most of his school and only sometimes complains.

Harbin awoke ill on his birthday and therefore we had to forgo his breakfast in bed and head straight to the doctor. He and Ella were diagnosed with a viral cold and told to head home and wait it out. At Harbin's request we picked up Burger King for dinner (burgers are his new thing...) and we headed home for him to open his present with Daddy on videochat. He was excited to find a Wii Lego Pirates of the Carribbean game which was super awesome since I had told him he could chill and play Wii all day since we weren't able to go out or go to choir that night. He ended up playing 8 straight hours of Wii!!!!! This is why we have rules and regulations on it other times of the week.....he literally never got up except to potty once. Just before bedtime he was feeling hungry and decided we could eat dinner in bed- he chose spaghetti, which is not exactly the greatest "in bed" food, but we managed. Although I felt sad he was sick on his birthday, I think he did exactly what he wanted and had a wonderful day!

Happy birthday, Harbin.
Love you- Mom and Dad

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