Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Harbin is SIX

Harbin turned SIX on February 15th. It doesn't seem possible that he could be getting so old. We're only a few months away from him finishing Kindergarten and even though we homeschool (and technically we are doing 1st grade work), it still seems like a huge next step!

Harbin has been growing a lot over the last year. He's reading at an incredible level for his age and he enjoys all kinds of books, especially informational ones. In addition to his normal coursework, we've begun an online typing class and he does a great job keeping his fingers on the home keys and typing with ease. He's not super quick about I am sure in time he will get faster. Sometimes I feel like I don't need to school him since he seems to pick up on everything without me really teaching it. He's already finished his year long workbook in math, pretty much on his own, and his spelling almost never fails.

In addition to school, he is playing spring soccer for the first time this year. He is super excited about the season and I think a little nervous about how he'll do. At the homeschool co-op he enjoys PE a lot and loves getting to run around with all the boys. Singing in the choir has been a new thing that Harbin loves. All his friends from church sing with him and he is learning a lot about music as well as getting to perform with some of his buddies.

Harbin stil proves to be a very sweet and caring young boy. He is wonderful at helping his sisters in school and helping around the house. He can now vaccuum, put his dishes away and help out fixing breakfast items like cereal and waffles. Ella adores her big brother and he is very good at gently moving her from one room to the other.

Enjoy the slideshow of Harbin's 5-year-old days and stay tuned for some 6-year old happenings!
The mom.

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