Saturday, December 31, 2011

My Buddy

Ok, so for some reason these pictures just remind me of that old doll they made back in the early 80's "My Buddy". Ok, so I am getting vulnerable here and slightly revealing my age. I guess you are either, she's THAT old or what??? she was born in the 80's and has 4 kids!! Either way, it doesn't bode well, so let's just forget about when the doll came out and let me refresh you about the doll...
It was made in 1985 and had a red ball cap and overalls. It had a annoying little song that said "My buddy (echo) my buddy...." and pretty much those were the words. My Buddy also had a "Kid Sister" who was advertised to the female crowd.

Anyways, Ella and Huck just remind me of this My Buddy song everytime they are together. Ella has adored Huck from the moment he was born. They are only about 9 months apart, and for much of his life, he's been a bit bigger than her. But that doesn't stop her from "momma-ing" him. She knows she's older and she thinks she's in charge.

A few days after the holidays the weather was chilly, but beautiful and we ventured out to the park. Huck got a new little car for Christmas and he was so sweet to share it with Ella. They were TOO CUTE together (maybe you, too, are now singing the My Buddy song...sorry for that.)

Enjoy the cute pics (and the annoying song I just now got in your head),
The mom.

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